Sunday 6 December 2009

My First Night Market

Last night I had my first experience at a night market. It was one street closed off with booths of food and stuff lining each side. Here I saw all the exotic food I had imagined I would find in Taiwan, along with booths containing everything from little plastic poops to mini arcades to overly rhinestoned clothes. Although I was not yet brave enough to sample some of the weirder foods, maybe by the end of the year I'll get to that point. For now, baby steps...

Entrance to the night market with mobs of people
Entire squids on a stick
Unidentified animal body parts
Sugar cane - they make a tea out of it. I actually tried this, it was pretty much hot sugar and water.
You can drink snake blood. This is one thing I may never be brave enough for.
Chicken feet. Yum.
They have an obsession with poop. There were gold plastics poos, poo key chains, and monkey sitting on toilets.
I stopped at the grocery store and found some chocolate milk, a little taste of home


  1. I am LOVING the pictures and travel diary. Thank you so much for sharing! The poo and pee obsession is great--I'm sure it'll make for a bounty of interesting Christmas presents you can send home to family:)

  2. OK, so add to my list of things NOT to eat when I visit you, snake blood, chicken feet and random animal parts. Deep fried hard boiled eggs with mayo just moved WAY down on the list.

    So maybe I should send you your book, "Everybody Poops". Just let me know. And DO NOT listen to Johanna about interesting Christmas presents for you to send home. I already have enough poop key chains to last me for a LONG time.

    What's the weather like?

  3. I actually tried chicken feet in Singapore and they really aren't too bad. You just have to eat them by biting from knuckle to knuckle which I found really strange and too much to think about when attempting to eat it. I didn't finish it but it is basically just crispy skin on tendons, if you like that sort of thing.

    I really like the sugar cane drinks, except I was always had it chilled.

  4. Squid on a stick is not quite as appealing as artsfest chicken on a stick. But I think you should eat it anyways. And drink the snake blood too. If you don't do it now, you never will. :-P
