Wednesday 25 November 2009

It takes a long time to fly around the world

I traveled for about 26 hours, leaving from State College and ending up in Taipei. I got in around 11 at night and was pretty delirious, but luckily found the woman from the Gloria school quickly and she drove me to my new home. I am in an apartment over the main school office. I think there are about 7 of us here, and there is another apartment one floor down. I have my own room, which thank god has wireless internet. There is a kitchen (complete with ants, so i feel just like i'm still in Baltimore), a few bathrooms, a living room, and a washing room with a washer and dryer. We are in a suburb of Taipei, about 40 minutes by train to the city.

Since I arrived at night I didn't see much, so this morning I ventured out to check out my surroundings. About a block from my apartment is a cute little park complete with old men around a table playing some game. Next to them sit the old women in rocking chairs. There also seem to be a pack of stray dogs, all of which I want to adopt. I made the mistake of looking at one, and he followed me down the street for a long time, and I was pretty sure he was going to get hit by one of the many scooters flying down the road. The sidewalks around here are very hit or miss, they start and stop all the time and I had to walk down the road a lot. I found a little noodle shop for lunch, and the woman spoke no English so I just pointed at something and smiled. I ended up with a ginormous bowl of soup with noodles, chicken (i hope), bean sprouts, and chives which I ate while enjoying the Chinese soaps on the TV. It was delicious and was only 35NT which is a little over a dollar. I think I'm going to like this place.

Tonight I get to experience my first class, and I will teach the last 10 minutes.


  1. Love the blog!!! Asparagus juice?! Keep it up--especially the food pics and stories :) Love you, -Jo

  2. Hey Ali - I'm so glad you're doing a blog - loking forward to the next installment! Jersey says woof.

  3. Way to go Ali! I hope your noodles & something was something more exotic than chicken, but whatever. You sound like you are right at home there. Can't wait to hear how your class goes - bet you'll love it.

  4. I always thought you'd go far, and now you have! This blog is a great idea; I'll follow it avidly. Good luck tonight, which I now realize has already happened since your 13 hours ahead of PA. Looking forward to reading all about it!

  5. love this! seems like you're about to live a real-life Lost In Translation. Try not to get involved with Bill Murray. He's not worth it.
    Can't wait to read more about your travels.

  6. Picture of the ants please! ...just kidding, you find any whasians?
